What to Do When the Neighbor’s Dog Poops in Your Yard (7 Tips)

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Ok, at some point or another, we’ve all experienced “that” neighbor. You’re looking out your window when you notice your neighbor’s dog taking a poop right on your front lawn. It’s not the first time. It’s been an ongoing problem, and you are at your wit’s end. In this article we’re going to help you better know what to do when the neighbor’s dog poops in your yard.

So how can you handle this situation? You don’t want to make enemies with your neighbor despite their lack of proper etiquette. I know this can be a troublesome situation. After all, you have to live next to them for the foreseeable future.

Below we will discuss how to handle this situation from the best possible solutions and outcomes down to the worst, but we hope it doesn’t turn into the worst. Hopefully, your neighbor just isn’t paying attention, and after you politely let them in on what’s happening, the problem will resolve without all the strife.

What to do when the neighbor’s dog poops in your yard

When your neighbor’s dog keeps pooping in your yard, it can be very annoying and frustrating. Cleaning up someone else’s dog’s poop is no one’s idea of a good time! You may have even stepped in it a few times by accident, and you have just really had it with this situation.

I’ve got good news, we’re here to help. But, you’ll need to keep your composure for just a little bit longer.

Let’s start with these tips and options from the top of this list, if they don’t work. The suggestions following are a bit more serious, hopefully a last resort type situation.

1 .Try talking to your neighbor

Before anything escalates further, have a conversation. A discussion may solve all your problems. Open lines of communication with your neighbors can prove beneficial.

2. Put up a sign

Clean Up After Your Dog Signs (2 Pack, 9 x 12) with Metal H-Stakes, Double Sided,No Dog Poop Lawn Signs,Outdoor & Sturdy

You can post signs in and around your yard like this one here. Obviously dogs can’t read, but their owners can. You’ve already broached the subject at this point and a sign will simply be a daily reminder to your neighbor that you don’t want their dog(s) pooping in your yard.

3. Try a fence

Before it escalates further, if you can put up fencing or further the fencing you already have, this would be a good time to do so. The neighbor likely won’t contribute to a fence that goes around your yard, so the costs would be on you. However a fenced in backyard is nice to have regardless and is a sure fire way to dogs out of at least the backyard.

For the front yard you could try the animal deterrents below, and it might also be a good place for a sign.

4. Use animal deterrents

You can use deterrents like these below to keep your lawn unfavorable to the local pups.

  • Motion-activated water system. A motion-activated water system like the Orbit Yard Enforcer works for many people, and also deters pests and deer.
  • You can add plants to your garden and around your home that dogs are not fond of but won’t endanger them. Some of the plants that are said to repel dogs are Curry, lavender, and Marigolds.
  • Ultrasonic animal repellent device. Be sure to get one specifically for dogs like this one.
  • Surprisingly, mothballs! Mothballs will keep multiple animals away.
  • Dog Mace, like this here. Make this a last resort. It’s meant to spread on your lawn to keep dogs away, not actually spray them. However results are questionable.
  • Use home remedies, oils like almond or olive, garlic, chili powder, or place ammonia or vinegar-soaked cotton balls all around your yard.

5. Start gathering evidence

At this point, if it is still happening, now is the time to start gathering evidence. If this escalated further, you don’t want a “He said, She said” type scenario. Gathering proof is also helpful if your neighbor has been denying everything, this may be just the thing to change their tune and get your lawn back.

So take some pictures and maybe some videos of it happening. Record the dates and times that you spoke with the neighbor as well as all of the actions you’ve taken. It may all come in handy if worse comes to worse.

6. Inform the neighbor of the next steps

You can remind your neighbor of the leash laws and laws against dogs running loose. If things continue, you will have no choice but to call animal control even if you don’t want to. Communicating this with your neighbor could cause things to get ugly, leading them to lash out. I can not stress this enough. It’s important for you to stay calm through this. The law is on your side.

7. Time to call someone

At this point, you have tried to do everything you can to avoid confrontation or cause problems for those involved. However it now might finally be time to call your local animal control service for repeated leash law violations, or seek legal advice if you choose.

How to approach the neighbors about the dog poop

You may want to do something less than friendly at this point, but refrain from the putting poop in a bag, setting it on fire, and tossing it on your neighbor’s porch. I’ve gathered a few helpful tips when interacting with your neighbor about this specific situation that should help things go as smoothly as possible.

I understand taking the high road can be difficult, especially when you know you are in the right. Hopefully, these tips will make a difference.

  • Discuss things when you don’t need to rush and know your neighbor won’t need to rush off.
  • If when you go to discuss matters with your neighbor, you notice they are in a bad mood, go back home and try again later.
  • If things haven’t escalated yet, consider showing up with a gift. A couple of beers, a plate of cookies, something to show that you come as a friend.
  • Same for you, do not initiate a conversation if you are ready to tear somebody’s head off. Wait it out till you are calm.
  • Reasonably approach the matter, keep your tone relaxed and calm. Explain to your neighbor what has been happening, why you believe or know it to be their dog. Let them know how it has been affecting you and your life.
  • Be reasonable and acknowledge that they may indeed not have known that it was happening. Let your neighbors know you are not looking for trouble, but this isn’t how you want to spend your days (cleaning up other dogs poop). If you have children, you may want to mention how they can’t freely play in their yard because of the dog poop.
  • Stay around and discuss solutions with them, help them brainstorm. After all, you may not know their story, and they may have circumstances that prevent them from going outside. You might be dealing with an older couple who needs help.
  • If you can tell, the conversation is starting to go poorly, and it doesn’t matter what you have to say. Don’t engage. Walk away. It will look better later if you need to involve the law or file a lawsuit, that you held your calm the entire time.

Above anything else, don’t make any threats. Save mentioning that you’ll call someone on them or file a complaint of some type as a last resort.

What happens when you call animal control on a neighbor?

Animal Control is a last resort because there are many animals without homes already, and you will possibly be uprooting this dog from its home for life.

You may not know the whole situation with your neighbor, and they may have felt silly and changed things right away if you would have just talked with them, it’s never worth it to rush into the worst possible scenario and solution.

Calling animal control also puts you at odds with your neighbor in ways you wouldn’t want with someone who lives right next to you that you have to deal with regularly. This could make your living situation uncomfortable and messy.

If you have tried absolutely everything you can think of, or the dog is in need of medical attention, or is being mistreated, then it’s time to escalate things. Now is the time to call Animal Control or your local animal organizations to help handle the matter. Maybe even a Homeowner’s Association. 


This is one thing that’s nice about having cats, they poop in a box that you give them. Having a dog consistently relieve themselves in your yard can be disruptive to your daily life. It’s gross. Nobody is eager to deal with these kinds of situations either. They can feel uncomfortable, especially when you are unsure of how the other side will react.

The best way to handle it is one step at a time, try working things out to the best of your ability, and hope you are dealing with an understanding neighbor. Whether it be a good neighbor or a pretty bad one, hopefully, you found a solution here that will help solve the problem.