How to Get Rid of Dead Mouse Smell When You Can’t Find It

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If you have mice in your house, a mouse bait can be an effective solution. However, you can’t prevent the mouse from dying in an unknown location, such as in the walls or heating duct. The problem is you’re left with an odor that can be unbearable. So, how do you get rid of dead mouse smell when you can’t find it?

Luckily the smell shouldn’t last for more than 10 or 14 days. During that time, here are tips to minimize the intense smell so you can live peacefully in your home.

How to get rid of dead mouse smell when you can’t find it

Even if you can’t remove the dead mouse carcass, there are ways to make the smell more bearable. Here are 9 tips you can mix and match to help freshen up your space.

1. Use charcoal to absorb smells

Charcoal is extremely porous and able to trap odors instead of simply covering them up. You can easily purchase charcoal deodorizer bags to place around your home or hang along the walls.

If you’re opting for lumps of coal, make sure you use natural briquettes. They don’t have any chemicals that will interfere with the ability to absorb smells. Don’t just throw the charcoal around your room because it can easily stain surfaces. Place them in a metal tray or container and leave them near where the smell is worst.

2. Put out containers of vinegar

You might think vinegar has a strong smell, but it’s much more pleasant than dead mouse odors. Additionally, using vinegar will help absorb any odors lingering in the room. You can place containers or cups of vinegar around the area that smells the most. The vinegar smell will easily air out of your home in a few days.

3. Use baking soda

Baking soda helps reduce odors in the air because the odor molecules react to the baking soda and get absorbed. While it’s an effective method, it could take a couple of days before the smell is completely absorbed. You can place tubs of baking soda around the house or turn it into a spray. Just mix it with water and spray around the areas with the most smell.

4. Repurpose dried coffee grounds

Not only do coffee grounds have a nice smell on their own, but you can also use them to absorb smells in a room. It contains nitrogen which helps clean up the sulfur in the air quickly and safely through absorption. Place the grounds in a container around the room or place them in mesh bags to create sachets of coffee grounds.

5. Use dead animal deodorizers

There are deodorizer products available that are specially made to cover up dead animal odors. The products typically come in pouches or as liquids you can put in a spray bottle. You can also purchase non-toxic industrial odor eliminators that can be applied dry or mixed in water.

Suppose the smell is coming from your walls. In that case, you can try stuffing cotton balls covered in deodorizers under cracks between the baseboard and floor or into holes in the wall.

6. Air out your home

You can reduce the intense smell of the dead mouse by increasing ventilation in the room where the smell is most intense. Open windows to let fresh air in and the odor out. Place a fan in the room and one by the window to help circulate air and blow air out.

You can also install an air ventilation system. They help improve the quality of indoor air, including to help with circulation and to reduce any foul odors.

7. Get an air purifier

Air purifiers help remove odor particles from the air by trapping them inside the machine. While they can be more expensive than air ionizers, they are more effective when you want to remove a smell, not just cleanse the air. For the best results, purchase an air purifier with a carbon filter that can work well in large rooms.

8. Use aromatic products

Aromatic products such as air fresheners, essential oils, candles, and incense sticks are quick and easy solutions to mask the smells of dead mice. Incense sticks or essential oil diffusers typically work faster in filling up a room.

Do note, though, that some people might find the combination of dead mouse smell and aromatics more sickening. Try to stick to smells such as peppermint, eucalyptus, or lavender. Or choose a strong aroma you know you prefer.

9. Try again to locate the dead mouse

While a dead mouse can be hard to find, you shouldn’t give up on the search completely. You might be able to locate the mouse, remove its body, clean up the area and eliminate the smell faster.

Look for visual clues to find where the mouse was, including droppings, streaks on surfaces, and chewed items. You’ll also want to check common hiding places, such as:

  • Cupboards
  • Closets
  • Attics
  • Under floorboards
  • Crawl spaces
  • Air ducts
  • Under sofas