What to Do if Your House Gets Egged (8 Tips)

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Whether it’s with malicious intent or just mischievous kids, egging a house is a well-known prank to pull on someone. However, knowing how to clean eggs from a pan doesn’t translate to cleaning eggs off your house.

Once the eggs have dried on your home’s exterior, they can be tricky to eliminate. Leaving dried-up eggs on your house can also degrade your paint or cause peeling and discoloration since egg whites are corrosive.

Whether you’ve been toilet papered or egged, this type of vandalism is very frustrating. To help you navigate the situation, here are some tips on what to do if your house gets egged. Read on to learn how to clean the eggs effectively and what legal actions you can take.

What to do if your house gets egged

From cleaning methods to how to legally take action against the “eggers”, here are 8 tips to help you navigate what to do when your house gets egged.

1. Get rid of the excess eggs as soon as possible

You want to act fast after you realize your house has been egged. Eggs are easier to remove when fresh because of their high moisture content. The stains will become more stubborn after the egg dries. However, it will still be removable.

The first step is to remove any loose pieces of eggs that come off easily with a soft-bristled brush or cloth. You can also use a dull knife to scrape off any egg stains that have dried or pieces of shell fastened to the house. The more you can remove as soon as possible, the easier it will be to clean your house.

2. Use a power sprayer or pressure washer

The water pressure from a power sprayer or pressure washer effectively removes any egg stains or loose shells. However, make sure to put the hose on low or medium pressure, so you don’t accidentally move the egg to other areas of the house. Wash the egg in a downward motion so it doesn’t stick to the house as it is washed.

Make sure to use warm water so the egg can slide off the surface. Hot water might sound effective but it can actually cook the egg and make it harder to remove from the side of your house. If you don’t own a power sprayer, you can easily rent one from local hardware stores.

3. Apply a cleaning solution

After you’ve used the power washer, any remaining egg stains will require a cleaning solution. Most cleaning solutions work for vinyl or aluminum sidings. However, you might need a more intense solution for unique sidings, such as stucco. Some options for cleaning solutions include:

  • Non-bleach laundry detergent
  • Dish soap or shampoo
  • Alkaline-based household cleaners
  • Hydrogen peroxide for light siding – since it is a bleaching agent, don’t use this for dark sidings

Make sure the product you use is safe for the paint or area of the house you are cleaning. You’ll want to test a small area of the stain first to check if the solution removes any of the paint. This precautionary step can prevent you from having to repaint your house.

4. Add white vinegar to your cleaning solution

To give your cleaning solution a boost, try adding white vinegar to it. This can be effective if you are using household supplies or cleaners. The white vinegar acts as a natural cleaning solution. You can also create a cleaning solution with just white vinegar and water.

Spray the mixture onto the stained area until completely wet. Soak a clean sponge in warm water to white the stain. For harder stains, try soaking a terry cloth towel with the solution and holding it onto the stain for several minutes to loosen it up.

5. Carefully clean windows

A vinegar and water solution can also effectively clean the egg of your windows. First, you will still want to scrape away as much as possible with a plastic knife or flat edge. Don’t use anything too hard or it might scratch your window.

If you are trying to clean windows that are hard to reach, it might be easier to seek professional help. For instance, power washers could reach the window but you need to be careful you use the right techniques not to shatter the glass. Other options for getting to high windows for cleaning include using a:

6. Contact the police

You can file a police report immediately after you realize your house has been egged. It’s best not to call 911 but instead call your local police station or visit in person to file the report. Egging a house is a criminal offense in most states and can have the following charges associated with them:

  • Damage to property
  • Vandalism
  • Nuisance

The extent of the punishment will vary depending on the egger’s age, where you live, and the cost of damaged property. For instance, in New York, vandalism has significant fines and a sentence of up to 7 years, depending on the amount of damage.

7. You can sue the eggers

Once the police have investigated the egging and found the culprits, you can take action towards suing them. Lawsuits under $10,000 are typically filed as a limited civil case or small claims case.

You could get money for the cost of damages or emotional distress. Gathering as much evidence as possible will help with your case, this includes any video surveillance recorded.

8. Protect your house for the future

Once you’ve had your house egged, you probably won’t want the experience repeated. Protect yourself against future vandalism by installing a security camera in plain sight and having an alarm system.

This will not only help scare away the potential eggers but catch them in the act on camera. If the incidents occur at night, consider putting up motion sensor lights to deter the eggers from actually doing the deed.